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 Upgrade to 2014.5??
Thanks, RV. I'll take your advice.
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!Robug
4/5/2016 6:53 PM
 Upgrade to 2014.5??
Thanks, Mike. That's just what I need (where to look). I do think I'll wait until after this project is finished. 2014 runs pretty well for the most part though there are a few annoying glitches.
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!Robug
4/5/2016 12:39 AM

Upgrade to 2014.5??
Greetings friends, I am considering upgrading from 2014 to 2014.5. I am running Yosemite on my MacBook Pro. I am very cautious with upgrades these days as I had serious problems when I upgraded to...

Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!

4/5/2016 12:20 AM
Thanks a million, Peter. You saved me much time.
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!Robug
2/15/2016 9:23 AM

Friends, is there a way to create circled numbers for text (similar to the copyright or registered symbols)? Perhaps I should import from an outside source using graphics tool?

Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!

2/15/2016 6:30 AM