Finale SmartMusic
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Viewing user profile for : TwoFuSoYa2
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Profile Created :5/29/2013 7:19 PM
Last Seen :4/14/2015 5:14 PM
Total Posts : 24
Location : Unavailable
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Last 5 Posts
ThreadForumPost Info
 Just how many bugs can you fit in one program?
Staff Polyphony: If you're using the aria player for playback, you probably have loaded a monophonic instrument, like one of the Jazz brass/woodwinds. Text Tool: Edit the insert from the...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!TwoFuSoYa2
8/11/2014 10:00 AM
 Wish list for next version of Finale
Let's pretend for a minute that we live in a magical world where software doesn't have bugs... 1. Updated QuickStart Videos, or more video tutorial documentation. I feel pretty good about my Finale...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!TwoFuSoYa2
4/25/2014 4:51 AM
 Using Sibelius fonts
@Phillip, Peter & Vaughan - Don't worry! I am a huge fan of both the Maestro Wide and Engraver fonts. To my eyes, the wider noteheads Maestro Wide fonts do a great job of making the music just a...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!TwoFuSoYa2
4/24/2014 2:52 AM
 Using Sibelius fonts
Thank you, all. This is mostly a pet project for a friend of mine who says it can't be done. I am motivated only by my dire need to prove him wrong. My goal is to create a Document Style similar to...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!TwoFuSoYa2
4/23/2014 1:43 PM

Advice on Making a Font
This question was only slightly related to my other post, so I figured it made sense to have a separate topic. Does anyone have any advice on making a Font? I've been trying for the past year or so...

Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!

4/23/2014 12:00 AM