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Viewing user profile for : Chris Kors
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Profile Created :2/20/2003 1:44 PM
Last Seen :3/18/2006 8:54 AM
Total Posts : 234
Location : Newton USA
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Last 5 Posts
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Dotted Slur Adjustment
hi, everyone: Is that possible to adjust the appearance of dotted slur in Finale 2003-2006? I've learned that we can easily adjust regular slur in smart slur utility, it does not apply to the dotted...

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

Chris Kors
3/18/2006 8:32 AM
 Add Pitch Name Plug-in: Is there a way to change the assigned Pitch Name?
Thanks, Mike. I will check out TGTools:-) Chris K.
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Chris Kors
2/28/2005 4:23 PM
 Add Pitch Name Plug-in: Is there a way to change the assigned Pitch Name?
Peter, indeed, Tobias Giesen is the author of the program:-) (as listed in the plug-in "about" window) Chris K.
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Chris Kors
2/28/2005 10:23 AM
 Add Pitch Name Plug-in: Is there a way to change the assigned Pitch Name?
Zuill, thanks for always willing to help:-) This particular plug-in was in my Finale 2003a folder. It simily add pitch letter names to each note. For instance, the plug-in will add a1 right under the...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Chris Kors
2/27/2005 11:09 AM

Add Pitch Name Plug-in: Is there a way to change the assigned Pitch Name?
Hi, everyone: I have a quick question regarding Add Pitch Name Plug-in: Is there a way to change the assigned Pitch Name at all? Thank you. Regards, Chris K.

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

Chris Kors
2/26/2005 4:38 PM