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Viewing user profile for : Thomas Eberth
About Me
Profile Created :
6/15/1999 9:40 PM
Last Seen :
12/9/2016 1:27 PM
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Location :
Montabaur, Germany
Occupation :
Teacher (math, physics, music), Engraver
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Music, Woodwork
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Last 5 Posts
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Hiding a single page number
As far as I know you cannot input several page ranges in Finale. As a workaround I created a white rectangle in Inkscape, imported it as a graphic and covered the page number. Thomas
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!
Thomas Eberth
12/8/2016 2:27 PM
Hiding a single page number
Is there any easy way to hide a single page number on a blank page in the middle of a score? Thomas
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!
Thomas Eberth
12/8/2016 12:26 PM
Offset when printing
I was able to measure the top and bottom margin in a pdf file on screen. They are exactly 2.4 cm. So the problem seems to be my laser printer which has an offset of 2 mm. As the files are finally...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!
Thomas Eberth
7/25/2016 2:44 AM
Offset when printing
The attached file (Trompete - part) has a top and bottom margin of 2.4 cm. When I print the trumpet-part, I get a top margin of 2.2 cm and a bottom margin of 2.6 cm. This offset appears when printing...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!
Thomas Eberth
7/24/2016 4:33 AM
Apple Preview App Bug with Finale pdf's
Recently the publisher I'm working for had this problem with Finale pdf-files opened in Acrobat Pro on a Windows computer. On my iMac with Preview everything was allright with the same files....
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!
Thomas Eberth
6/12/2016 4:18 AM
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