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Profile Created :1/22/2013 11:56 AM
Last Seen :3/28/2013 12:02 PM
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Last 5 Posts
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Adding fermatas using FinaleScript
I'm faced with the task of adding a few hundred missing fermatas. I can use my own MusicXML based analysis script to detect where there are fermatas in some voices, but not in others. (And there's...

FinaleScript - FORUM HAS MOVED!

Thomas W
3/17/2013 4:19 AM
 Using "type" in file dialog box
Well, a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.
FinaleScript - FORUM HAS MOVED!Thomas W
2/28/2013 4:12 AM

Using "type" in file dialog box
I could have sworn that something like this used to work: menu item "File/ScoreMerger" button "Add Files" type "test.mus" ...but it doesn't! I can however do menu item "File/ScoreMerger" button "Add...

FinaleScript - FORUM HAS MOVED!

Thomas W
2/26/2013 10:23 AM
 Plugin-in for changing expressions?
Two superb answers, thank you for guiding me here! Thomas
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Thomas W
2/25/2013 6:10 PM

Plugin-in for changing expressions?
Is there any plugin that I might be missing which can do the following: I'd like to replace any instance of the expression (in this case: Rehearsal mark) that has the number 1454 in the Expression...

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

Thomas W
2/25/2013 5:02 PM