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RealScore font problem since Finale 2014.5
Hello forum I have tried to figure this out by my own but have to raise my hands now and ask for help. Have used the RealScore font family with great success with Fin 2012 and 2014, but since 2014.5...

Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!

Lasse Paasikko
12/15/2016 2:59 PM
 jazz font in Norwegian?
Bjørn and others Could not find the keychart for Jazz Font Extended but in Siglers Swing Font Extended for Macintosh those keystrokes are: A (option-shift) = å Ä (option-shift) = æ (Finnish...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Lasse Paasikko
2/19/2003 9:13 PM
 Advancing measures without mouse?
Ward I have used QuicKeys for years to scroll measures such way. I use one command to proceed one measure at a time and another to move more. Just make a shortcut where You click the "right...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Lasse Paasikko
6/23/2002 11:01 PM