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Viewing user profile for : Partch
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Profile Created :11/1/2010 11:43 AM
Last Seen :3/8/2014 4:46 PM
Total Posts : 7
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Last 5 Posts
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Posted Music on Finale Showcase
What happened to Finale Showcase and when will it be back


10/26/2013 9:49 AM
 "How Many Hits?"
The answer I received was hopefully humorous but did not answer the question.
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Partch
12/10/2012 10:33 PM

"How Many Hits?"
Is there a way to know how many look at, or download posted music? (How many Hits?)

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

12/10/2012 1:07 PM

Hits on posted music
How do we tell how many HITS on posted music?

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

11/26/2012 1:16 PM
 Key change
I am using Finale Allegro and when I change the key of three staffs the program goes global and covers all seven staffs
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Partch
12/11/2010 11:36 AM