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Profile Created :8/28/2016 6:22 PM
Last Seen :12/28/2016 2:20 PM
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Last 5 Posts
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 Trouble with Rewire in Cubase 7.5
In fact I've tried both options, even opening the programmes as an administrator.
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Mabt
12/24/2016 12:40 PM

Trouble with Rewire in Cubase 7.5
Hi, I´m having some trouble in rewiring Finale 25 in Cubase 7.5. Although the option appears in Cubase, when I click on it to turn it on, it just doesn´t work. Any idea of what on earth can it be?

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

12/23/2016 7:39 PM
 Trouble with Human Playback staccati
I'm using Berlin Strings and Woodwinds and Project SAM Classic Brass. They all have sampled staccatos, marcatos... The problem is how to switch from one articulation to another. The key is to...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Mabt
12/5/2016 4:32 PM
 Trouble with Human Playback staccati
Thank you nordensten, so there isn't any website or Finale document where I can check ou this particularities?...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Mabt
12/5/2016 10:19 AM
 Trouble with Human Playback staccati
Okay, I´ve figured out how to do that. The thing was I had to define the legato keyswitch too, but now I have the same problem with marcato. What should I do to trigger a marcato?
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Mabt
12/2/2016 4:53 PM