Finale SmartMusic
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Viewing user profile for : SebJean
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Profile Created :3/29/2002 8:33 PM
Last Seen :11/13/2002 8:50 PM
Total Posts : 2
Location : France
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Last 5 Posts
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arrowhead in Custom Line (smart line)
Hello, i noticed something strange when i want to create custom arrowhead in the "Slur tool" / smart lines when i create a shape (in arrows library) for the LEFT side of the horizontal line, it...

Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!

11/12/2002 5:22 AM

QuickTime instruments / playback
Hi, i can't get sound from my Mac (quicktime instrument) when a keyboard is plugged. Finale can play the file AFTER i got the notes - but is completely mute when i use hyperscribe or the speed entry...

Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!

3/29/2002 8:54 PM