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Profile Created :1/4/2000 9:25 AM
Last Seen :12/31/2015 9:21 PM
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Last 5 Posts
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 Keyboard Maestro questions (semi-OT)
The ones that we can, we do. But not all of them have that mode yet. Can't remember off the top of my head which it is, maybe Jeremy can. I also use a bunch of the older single task ones, not the...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!tim
12/27/2015 11:13 PM
 Keyboard Maestro questions (semi-OT)
That has been the best way. If it is a window that can change size and may have, I will include a step to size the window. There are a couple of older JW plugs that we can't work with properly yet,...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!tim
12/27/2015 10:37 PM
 Keyboard Maestro questions (semi-OT)
Hi Phillip. Just seconding what Jeremy was saying. We have now put quickeys to bed. While it would be good if KM could natively control drop downs and find buttons like QK's could, there are ways and...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!tim
12/27/2015 9:10 PM
 Film Orchestrating and Ipads
Thanks Michael, will check it out.
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!tim
10/14/2014 4:17 AM

Film Orchestrating and Ipads
I recently made a screencast showing my process and how I have set up my system. I use a bunch of other things with finale to make my life easier. The first 3rd is about cleaning midi in DP, but then...

Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!

10/11/2014 5:15 PM