Finale SmartMusic
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Profile Created :1/3/1999 9:22 AM
Last Seen :8/13/2009 5:33 PM
Total Posts : 160
Location : Arklow Ireland
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Last 5 Posts
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 Online Manual - Finale 2009
Well explained. So would it not make more sense for Finale to add 23 to all the page numbers in the contents. It's a very large file and they could then advise readers to use the "Go To" option as...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!jbonner
12/1/2008 5:05 PM
 Online Manual - Finale 2009
Why are the page numbers never correct in Adobe Reader? For example, if I want to read the page on "Keyboard Shortcuts" (listed as p.864) I have to add 23 to get the correct page (which is indeed...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!jbonner
11/29/2008 2:15 PM
 Can't change midi-in Latency. Stuck at 125!
Replying to my own question: Yes, when I disable midi-through and use Hyperscribe with just the clicking beats, the notation is mostly accurate. So I am to assume that it's midi-through which causes...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!jbonner
8/21/2008 5:05 PM

Can't change midi-in Latency. Stuck at 125!
I have recently upgraded from Finale 2008 to 2009. I still have a midi-in latency problem. I've tried 2 different single in-out (1x1) usb midi-in cables (uno and e-mu). I'm using a Powerwave external...

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

8/21/2008 3:16 PM
 Why does Finale ask if I want to save changes after playback?
Thanks to all for all the postings. It's just a small annoyance and it's better to be reminded about saving than to lose work. I never thought about it much but you're right that when undoing an edit...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!jbonner
10/12/2007 2:42 PM