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Viewing user profile for : Jeff B
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Profile Created :2/29/2004 10:16 PM
Last Seen :1/31/2017 5:36 PM
Total Posts : 31
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Double Check on Version Numbers
Greetings, all... I started up Finale 2014.5 to do some work today and got an "Update Available" message. I'm currently on 2014.5.7098. The available update is 2014.5 2500.0.0.7722. Just to be...

Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!

Jeff B
9/9/2016 4:32 PM
 installing 2014.5 has messed up 2014d!!!
Wiggy - Point taken. The 2014.5 installer does create its own set of Library folders. However, the ARIA Player was automatically updated, thus leading to some confusion on my part regarding how...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!Jeff B
Today 1:27 PM
 installing 2014.5 has messed up 2014d!!!
Wait, wait, wait.... Hold the phone, folks. I just tripped over the solution. I went back and looked at the previously mentioned "rigamarole" I had gone through a few years ago and looked for the...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!Jeff B
Yesterday 11:44 PM
 Sleigh Ride- the horse laugh..
Flint and Gareth Green are correct. Any trumpet player who's been around longer than a week and a half has heard it and knows what to do. I've had similar issues while trying to instruct young...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Jeff B
Yesterday 11:09 PM
 installing 2014.5 has messed up 2014d!!!
I'm confused, too. I just installed Finale 2014.5 and it does not contain any references to GPO4 in the MIDI/Audio->Sound Map Priority dialogs. Nothing. It does still show up in Finale 2014. A quick...
Finale - Macintosh - FORUM HAS MOVED!Jeff B
Yesterday 10:50 PM